Monday, November 12, 2012

Forever your Body

Sometimes, you just have to look down at your body and marvel at what it has given you. Because let’s face it, very few of us are satisfied. We bemoan our short legs, tight hamstrings, and aching knees. Giving thanks to our less than perfect bodies is not something most of us are comfortable with.

We’ve all  read articles about how many miles our feet have walked, how many weights we’ve hoisted (including carrying babies and bags of groceries), and how many things we’ve lifted above our heads. Our body has stretched, shrunk and compensated for its inherent flaws. How do we acknowledge what we have received from our bodies and with compassion nudge it past its default?

I walked 5.18 km on Sunday morning, my walk was supposed to be longer but the elements got the better of me. It was cold and windy and I was grateful that I had a scarf to cover my face against the wind blowing off the reservoir. I didn’t pass a soul for the first thirty minutes. I questioned my sanity, the thickness of the gloves I’d selected and regretted not carrying my iPod which always distracts me enough as my feet move. Then I remembered the article I had been reading that described our body as our vehicle in this lifetime. We can use it, nourish it and keep it working as best we can, or we can fill it with lots of easier but poor choices. I realize that I probably should have walked further yesterday.

I want to be able to move at a reasonable pace as life goes on, I honour the 80 year old whom I meet sometimes, he walks the same route 365 days a year, no exceptions, no excuses. Can you imagine being that committed to maintaining your vehicle? We all need to lay the foundation and have the same discipline with our bodies.

As I continue to age, I want a body that allows me to stay active and contributing to the world. I want to be that old lady who wears a hat and hops on the bus to go shopping on Wednesdays!

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