Friday, May 30, 2014

Let the Photo Come to You

Let the photo come to you. This is the message that I have consistently heard from my photography instructors.

I better understood what this means while on a recent trip sitting in Union Square in San Francisco. If we had not sat in the Square for one hour, we would only have had an incomplete story of what we witnessed. 

When the band started to warm up and play, it took a good fifteen minutes before an elderly man, dressed in a pink striped shirt and white pants got up. First he danced with several different partners and then he continued on his own. Priceless! 

We wouldn’t have seen a group of women, relaxed and laughing, watch their friend balance 2 bottles of beer and 3 red wines as she made her way to them. A daring thing to do dressed all in white.

And so it is in our daily lives, how often do we stop to capture the picture of where we are standing in that moment. How often do we wait to let things develop, before allowing them to be enjoyed? How often do we rush off to the next thing on our list?

Pause, rewind, breathe…and let the complete picture come to you. (Click to Tweet)

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