Saturday, November 4, 2017

Winter Onset

Last week in my home town it was 25°C, in the last few days it has plummeted to -11°C. Our weather can be a wonderful surprise in the northern hemisphere, even though we do anticipate winter arriving. You might have read my summer post about heat just a few months ago.

Winter Onset
a few thoughts on Winter's arrival...

The onset of winter makes me want to pull out my crock-pot. To simmer and stir and let the aroma of stew fill the air.
It beckons me towards the fireplace, stretching my legs towards the coffee table, wrapped in a blanket and glancing out the windows.
I feel the stirrings of creativity, of unfolding my copy of Bella Grace and settling in with a brandy.
Of unpacking the bags of buttons, and chains, embellishments and silk ribbon
And creating something from nothing.

I want to cocoon and write, I’d paint if I could
As I watch the snow drift into the corners between the buildings
Or watching it swirl in the halos of the street lights.

I hear the swish of tires against the wet roads, and try to judge if they are going uphill or downhill and how fast
Because that will tell me if the traffic is slowing down or if it is getting icy as the temperature drops.

I want to catch up with old shows I’ve recorded and discard some others I was using to fill in the lazy summer gaps
I need to slow down to appreciate the warmth of the indoors and that I have red boots that disguise the cold outside
To wear layers, pull on a hat, add a scarf that matches and watch my breath in misty clouds as it disappears into nothing

I sit and...

Watch as each house lights up its windows as the skies darken
And others gather around the hearth of their own making

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