Monday, January 13, 2020

Mr Rogers Says It's a Beautiful Day

Mr. Rogers Says It's a Beautiful Day

If you haven't already seen It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, I'd encourage you to make your way to it. In a darkened theater with perhaps only six other people at the 1pm showing, we received the most wonderful treat we could imagine.

The incomparable Tom Hanks wearing the expected cardigan, takes you down a road of deep thought and enormous feeling for a journey of less than 2 hours. In about 109 minutes, this movie dug and discovered the importance of kindness that will stay with you even if you were not a fan of the show.

Spoiler: take your tissues.

I won't tell you the main story, but there was one line that stood out for me. Mr. Rogers tells us to think about "the people who loved us into being" (paraphrased). He reminds us that they did their best. He tells us we become who we are, because of and in-spite of them. 

If you pause and remember the moments of your life when you decided (and believe me, you did) on how to proceed, on how to behave, some of them were not given to you in kindness. They might have been handed out with screaming, or disdain, with repeated remorse or with little or no caring. We are fortunate if we received at least a few of those deciding moments that were given in love.

Our days continue and we cast our lives with what we believe to be true.

Although not everyone who helped form our past did it lovingly. We can still move on. They could have been with us for a long period or in our more recent days. They might have been entrusted to raise us, a music teacher who said we had talent or not, a neighbor or a boss.

We need to thank the ones who showed us what not to be. (Tweet this)

We need to file away how it felt when we hurt in order to not do it to others.

We need to take what everyone gave us and turn it into a gift.

Don't miss out on It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, it is a movie which will make you think. I dare say it could change your life. 

We all can change our neighborhood. Mr Rogers said so. (Tweet This)

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