Friday, May 15, 2020

Life Paused not Postponed - and 3 Ways to Do It

Learn to pause... 
or nothing worthwhile will catch up to you.
  Doug Ki

Many of us have needed this Pause to gather our thoughts and energy to form a fresh start. To dare and to dream. And also to remember what we are made of.

Life Paused not Postponed - 
and 3 Ways to Do It
This woman had been training for months, planning to check off a  marathon from her bucket list. And then the race was cancelled because of our current pandemic situation. Now here she was, with a choice. Not do I continue, but how do I do it? 

She used this Pause to commit and succeed, for herself. 

She chose to do away with the fanfare and run her own race in her hometown. She ran with a limited audience along the route, encouragement signs along her 42.2km run held by family members only, and keeping the safe 2-metre distance from other runners. 

If you're a runner/walker, you will have some understanding how incredibly long 42.2km truly is! This runner did that distance in less than 4.5 hours, mostly alone and ending through a toilet paper 'ribbon'  finish line.  

Not quite what she expected when she signed up for the advertised race in another city, a picturesque route, with cheering crowds and a real medal.

Life Paused not Postponed.

My friend, whom you've met before, she with the new appreciation of how fun it is to be messy, Paused not Postponed to remember her love of creation.

Life Paused not Postponed - 
and 3 Ways to Do It

This gritty lady, shimmied newspaper under the legs of her dining room table to cover her floor and got painting! It took some planning to get the paint to adhere to her table; she researched online, and had a few conversations with some experts she's known for years. It took 4 coats of paint and a good many hours to fulfill her first-class standards. And then, a masterpiece.

She used this Pause to take on a big project on her own when she didn't have to. And now she has recharged a kernel of her creativity to use as she pleases. 

Life Paused not Postponed. 

Pause and listen for the worthwhile. (Tweet this) 

In a city which has slowly and hesitantly emerged from winter, where frost-free days are squeezed into a few small squares on our calendars, outdoor garden pots and gardens are treasured.

I watched my neighbour across the way. She started a few weeks ago brushing off the remnants of winter and the finicky spring we've had and sweeping her small patio. 

Courtesy Pixabay Razzia125  Life Paused not Postponed

She moved her outdoor furniture around from this side to that, she wiped and admired. And just yesterday she hefted a large purple pot which is yet to be filled between two wicker chairs. A few smaller pots with pink waving flowers appeared and are now also dotting her patio. I saw a bird or two visit her cream-coloured-blue-roofed bird house from where I am now sitting. It makes me smile!

She too has a Life Paused not Postponed.

My friend's daughter-in-law Tina, my friend of over thirty years, B. and my neighbour who is no longer a stranger to me all Paused and listened for the worthwhile. That's what they did this week.

Let us not forget that Life will continue, and that what gives us fulfillment, what brings us our greatest pleasures will never be taken away.

Stay safe, stay kind.


  1. Excellent writing and very inspirational.

    1. Thank you, hope you will come back to read more!

  2. This time of pause has certainly brought out creativity in many! It will be interesting to see what lifestyle changes made during the pause will be carried forward into new normals. Good read, thanks!

    1. Yes, we are all certainly re-discovering ourselves. Thanks for reading.
