Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Ripple of Kindness

Just as ripples spread out when a
single pebble is dropped into water,
the actions of individuals can have 
far-reaching effects.
Dalai Lama 
Courtesy of Pixabay, Sandid
Kindness counts. 
I was at a local thrift shop the other day as I am apt to do when they give a discount to celebrate those of my age. A young man approached me as I was leaving and asked if I was looking for my shopping cart.
What a strange question, I thought.
As I made my way to the front of the store, I heard one lady speaking to a rather frantic lady. 
Did you lose your cart? she asked.
Yes, the frazzled one said, as she looked around for it.
I took it to an employee because your purse was in the cart.
The frantic lady was relieved and thankful. The helpful lady laughed it away, and said that it's easy to forget when you're excited looking for a great find!
I'm sharing this story from the side streets of life to remind us all. Kindness exists. (Tweet This) I saw it, the almost-had-a-terrible-day lady saw it, the young man working there saw it. And now you can see it too.
Start the ripple. Give hope, give kindness.

Now tell me, when did you give, receive or witness an act of kindness? Please share your story, we could all use some good news right now.
Stay well, stay kind.




  1. We had a random act of kindness bestowed on us, my husband, son, and I, last Sunday. We had been a the baseball field with our son most of the day, Sunday double headers. It was hot, everyone was tired and hungry. We also had to pick up our daughter from a friend's house on the way home. Chipotle was spotted and there we stopped. Our son was quick to get his order in and his bowl made. I was waiting for refill of an item for my bowl and held up the line a bit. When my husband and I got up to the cashier we were informed that the guy in front of us paid for our son's meal. It was a sweet gesture and I believe there may have been a baseball connection as the guy was young and was wearing a Cincinnati Reds shirt while our son was in full uniform. Maybe he saw his younger self in our boy but whatever it was, it made our day!

  2. Thank you for sharing your experience, Christi. Such a nice reminder that there are kind people everywhere. I hope your days continue to hold this lovely act, and that you keep sharing it with others.
