Monday, December 31, 2012


Wonder and celebrate this 365th day of our year.

Give thanks for the small and large experiences, for the laughs and tears we shared together. Each moment made us 365 days more of whom we are inside.

May your experiences have taught you the real you that you are. May you have seen a sunset, heard a piece of music, captured an encounter with a fellow traveller that gave you continued juice for your own road.

May you have learned a lesson or two, and shared that lesson to spare someone else.

May your pain have been carried with a friend, may your lips have cherished a special moment, may the awe in your own life have expanded with each day.

May you have found something that made your heart soar with delight. May you have walked/run your fastest pace, balanced in a pose you've wanted to accomplish, ridden your bike down an awesome road, painted something worth hanging, photographed an emotion, done a fantastic renovation, expanded your tea shoppe or finalized your thesis.

May you have been given Grace through the darkest hours. May you have learned your own strength.

Honour yourself today for the days that have passed. Have faith, give of yourself, recognize the mystery of life.

May you have thrown down the walls that have contained your true Spirit and released the people who will not support it.

May you have found yourself and your bliss.

Thank you for your support and encouragement. It is good to know that my words are reaching your heart.


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