Friday, January 24, 2014

What's your Word for the Year?

Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies
on a limited set of targets.

Nido Qubein


Focus. My goal for this year is to dedicate my minutes/hours to a handful of goals.

In just a few days since I have given these words to paper and words, interesting things have happened. A chance lunchtime conversation validated my need for the deeper conversation, a website I had not been aware of cropped up during a search and more synchronistic happenings which I will save for another time.

Now my issue, which could be yours as well, is how do you decide on one Word? The mystery of how life speeds up as you get older is becoming more obvious each day. Let’s face it, chances are I have lived more days than are ahead of me (even with my plan of celebrating until I’m 104).

Hand in hand with this realization is that I’ve probably walked more, eaten more chocolate, and spent more time with friends than I have to dedicate to these things in my future. And that is scary!

So with the less than 5 decades that I have ahead of me, what will I Focus on for this year? With the  time before me, what do I have time to still learn and enjoy? I might have to abandon some younger dreams of doing an architectural dig, visiting Pompeii or becoming a better cook and instead I can concentrate on what I am confident will bring me Bliss.

Don't get me wrong, my Focus does not involve giving up on other pleasures, I still plan to eat chocolate, dawdle over the Saturday Globe and Mail and relax with my recorded shows of Castle. My Word is about doing less and appreciating the joy in my life more.

Have you thought about your Word? Close your eyes and breathe, your Word will come to you.

I've written down what I believe my Focus will bring to me this year and promise to report back to you about the "leads" that show up magically.

Here are some Words that you might consider: reflect, build, re-evaluate, enjoy, sit, slow down, choose, filter, let go, create, change, seek, shift, forgive, be aware, become, be present, grow, listen, envision, prioritize, design, celebrate....

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