Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Savasana – the time to breathe

Breathe, although it is also called Corpse Pose, the last pose in our yoga class. I know that’s all I’m supposed to be doing while in Savasana (shah-VAHS-anna). But I am only human and today, my mind is flitting from one thing to the next.

I breathe deeply, and start to think about my walk last night. In the wind, and I can feel myself sway and wonder how many additional calories I am spending walking up this hill. I wonder if this is what a bird feels like when it is flying? The leaves are racing by me, then leave me behind, they swirl and twirl and then I catch up to them and I pass! I see a blue sign go end over end. It is the promotional sign for Karen Lloyd who is running for School Trustee. Not the Karen Lloyd I went to school with a hundred years ago, she used to be married to man named Ernie, but we’ve lost touch over the years. I should see if I can find her again on Facebook.

Someone near me is doing Savasana correctly, I hear the breathing of someone falling into deep relaxation. It would be funny if that someone started to snore. Don’t giggle. Don’t giggle. You are not supposed to be giggling while lying without intention on your mat. Breathe. Again.

I am back to my walk. I can taste the dirt being strewn in the air. The street sweepers will be out soon. The first of April, early for spring in this part of the world. I remember an April first of planting sweet peas against my west facing fence. I feel the warmth of the sun, I see their mix of colours and their delicate but strong tendrils attached to the wire. I smell their aroma and picture them in a little squat mason jar sitting on my kitchen table. Breathe in the scent. Breathe again.

My hands clasp as I feel the rise and fall of my belly. In and out, the rhythm of my heartbeat.

Silence all around me. Each being human, not everyone without thought as we breathe together through Savasana.

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