Sunday, October 16, 2016


So what will you do today to astound yourself?

I know a young man who discovered at the age of 30 that he could run! And I mean RUN. He joined a friend who had been training for weeks in a local race and found out that he was fast. He came in second, put the medal around his neck and was hooked. Running came as a surprise talent to him. And he only found out because he tried.

What have been aching to try that you haven’t yet done. I waited until I was 54 to get involved with yoga. I wouldn’t say it came easily, but I proved to be more “bendy” than I had originally thought I’d be. These extraordinarily long arms came in handy to wrap where many couldn’t!

Have you been a doodler who likes to add drawings to your notes or on a flipchart (now doesn’t that age me?). Do you see things is pictures? Do you love to photograph a sunset? Why haven’t you taken that art or photography class you see in your community newsletter.

Have you always been uncomfortable in the water, guess what, there are adult classes for the deathly afraid. More than one triathlete learned to swim in order to participate.

Then let me know, so we can all celebrate together.

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