Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Sweet Writing at the Right Moment

They say the longer you postpone something, the harder it is to get going. True, no? Think of it. Cleaning your house, shopping for an occasion, writing? See what I did there? Snuck in my personal issue where you least expected it. If you are a writer you’ll know what I mean, we’re both sneaky that way.

I wonder why I just didn’t get out of bed when the flow of words formed into a lovely rhyming poem one night this past week. Why I didn’t carry my small sized fits-into-a-pocket notebook and jot down some brilliant thoughts while I travelled on the bus. Why the sweet lullaby moment during the commercial celebrating family which came on during dinner time didn’t get scribbled on my paper napkin?

Why? Why? Why?

Have my flying thoughts gone out my window and into the house next door? Is that why I see my neighbour tapping away furiously on his laptop, while I stare at the shadows on my wall. Watch them take shape. While I shift ever so slightly to see if I have the power to make that odd twinkling alien light move like a crazy comet. 

Sweet Writing at the Right Moment

That man, head bowed surely doesn’t have my affliction. I see his light on at the same odd hours I walk around in the dark of my house. Afraid to turn on the light and bear witness to my lack of words. How long can I hide in this place?

So I walk, as the twilight descends, the breeze cools, even the dog’s barking seems melancholy. Do dogs get sad at their lack of accomplishment on any particular day? Don’t worry says my Muse, I am here, waiting. Waiting for WHAT? I yell back angrily. But he chuckles at me, plays me for the fool that I am. And he doesn’t answer. For the right moment, or maybe he meant for the write moment. That's what my heart answers back.

I am curious, I am mystified, I am eating way too much sugar. Where have my words gone? Such a terrible time of year for those of us who just cannot resist chocolate in any form. And that is another reason why I walk. It is not to shed pounds, it is to put some distance between me and the plates of goodies that keep arriving at my door.

Someone told me once that when they were struggling with cookie temptation, that they wrapped the sweet trays with tin foil and packing tape and took them directly to the garbage can. She went through a lot of tape that year, she said. And only once did she set the adjacent neighbours' light sensors off at midnight while she stood in the back alley and sliced open a package with kitchen sheers. The neighbourhood dogs barked loudly too.

I, of course, would never do that! I have finished my walk and still, all I think of is sweets. All I'm doing is peering at my neighbour typing away on his laptop. Horrible man, there is probably not a single cookie crumb to be seen on his desk.

Then I hear my Muse saying STOP. Sit still and write this down. Because just like eating chocolate, writing is a good habit for you too.

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