Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Just want to wear my new Orange shoes

We Canadians, come from hardy stock. We have a sense of humour about our Winter weather and can scoff at others shivering when the temperature dips to what we consider balmy. In my hometown, it is not uncommon to see folks in shorts in November or January when we have been given the gift of 5 degrees Celsius (that’s about 41 Fahrenheit). We are indeed a brave lot.

But this winter, has just about done us in. It is April 1, and we still have snow. In some places, piles of it. Parking lots with mini mountains pushed to the sides.

Even the nicest people I know are mumbling and grumbling “When is Spring going to arrive?” We are tired of pulling on boots and scarves and want to switch out our winter tires.  We are fed up of hot chocolate and lattes and want a nice cold beer.

Many of us have already done our Spring cleaning in anticipation of the warmer weather arriving. We have bought our warm weather wardrobes and we have signed our children up for baseball and soccer. Some of us, have even bought new running shoes. We are prepared to head outdoors at the first sign of Spring.

When you have been waiting for a long anticipated change, what steps have you taken to prepare yourself? And when the event does finally arrive, how do you celebrate?

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