Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Practise Your Signature

What do you love to practise? Shopping, skating, talking on the phone, painting? If you were to spend some time every day doing one of these things, how good do you think you would be? Probably pretty darn good!

Don’t undervalue your love of shopping. You could be so good at it, take so much passion into it, you could: start a website announcing the local upcoming sales, sell your fashion sense to others, be a personal shopper, open your own store…the possibilities are endless.

If talking on the phone is your passion, you could: keep in touch with family and friends to remember their special dates or offer a smile, you could start a special event reminder business, be a facilitator for a research company, volunteer to make calls for a political candidate.

Are you getting the picture here? 
Take your innate drawing card, what moves you, what makes you light up, what makes you happy and practise it till it evolves into something that only you can do. 

Your special touch is your signature, it is specific to you and no one else can replicate. Practise your signature. Don’t let someone do it for you. 

It’s your idea, it’s your Dream, now start it!

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