Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Humming Along After Christmas

Catch the hum, whenever you can. It's a busy time that needs a hum.

Children and older folks, can set aside the formalities of politeness. Closing their eyes right in front of you, because they've just plain had enough.

The sharing of stories, of the real and the made-up. And after so long, does it really matter?

Listening to the hum of silence as the house empties, the giggles and the guffaws, subsiding.

Sit with the new book, the new toy, the new game, the new coffee grinder.

Humming Along #Portland

Listen for the hum. Let go of the noise. (Tweet This)

The music in the background, the keyboard tapping, the dishwasher swishing (again). Enjoy the hum, until the doorbell rings again.

The laughing begins, the feet are curled up, the fireplace is turned on, the little ones are shoo'ed out of reach of touching something hot.

Or filling the bathtub with bubbles in the middle of the day?

Having a nap? Is that what I hear?

And as the week goes on, and some are preparing for another celebration, many are just humming along.

Catch the hum. However you can. You'll be glad you did. (Tweet This)

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