Friday, December 29, 2017

Holiday Reading - Most Loved Blog Posts for 2017

My seven most loved blog posts are here for your holiday reading. Each one sharing a little bit of my life, of my year of Simplify and hopefully touching you in some way.

Thank you for your comments over the year, I am so glad to know that my words reached you wherever you are in the world. I hope that you feel more inspired, have had a chuckle or two, and feel less alone knowing that we are all connected.

Let's not hesitate to reflect on and to celebrate the journey we've travelled. (Tweet This)

If you just recently happened to find this post, I welcome you to join this tribe of folks who continue to search and share the Everyday moments that can give us the most profound lessons. Let us continue to grow together!

Wanting it All

...I needed to recognize that there are a number of ways to get Freedom and it doesn't necessarily need to be about Wanting it All, it just needs to be what each of us want our lives to look like.

(read full post)

Overindulgence – do you or don’t  you speak up? 

We are usually governed by politeness and not stepping on toes with our opinions or worries. But is there a point when we are compelled to speak up?

(read full post)

 Don't Lose the Spell 

You don't often get to eavesdrop on a conversation when you're out on the running path. The timing has to be perfect, the wind quiet, and no other distractions taking place.

Last Sunday, I heard a fellow say "I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did." (read full post)

Karaoke Tourist

She was an accomplished singer, in a church group. She played the piano with skill and feeling. But what she wanted to do is sing Karaoke. Something different. An Elvis fan, that's whose song she'd choose.

She just didn't know when or where. Surely not with her prim choir friends. Certainly not where if she was terrible, she'd have to wear her humiliation. (read full post)

Winter Onset

Last week in my home town it was 25°C, in the last few days it has plummeted to -11°C. summer post about heat just a few months ago.
Our weather can be a wonderful surprise in the northern hemisphere, even though we do anticipate winter arriving. You might have read my summer post about heat just a few months ago.

(read full post) 

Yoga Saturday

What is Saturday to you? Rolled out my mat this Yoga Saturday, and took away so much more.

A wonderful work-out (work-in?) with Sherry this morning at yoga. Setting the intention, and making my way through each asana, breathing, in, out. The sun sliding across the windows...
(read full post)


 Letter to My Future Self at 82                                            

Tell me Future Self...

I don’t know if you will be a Dearie or a Hot Mama but I am curious as to what else you know now.
Did you decide to eat chocolate every day, because you are certainly headed that way
Is brandy a regular part of your evening or still used specifically for “medicinal” purposes? (read full post)

If you've read all the way here, please consider following via email! Thank you. 

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