Sunday, January 7, 2018

What's Your Playground?

What are we to learn from this one life we're given? Are we supposed to gain some level of understanding of ourselves and those around us? Maybe especially those different from us? And are they the ones to teach us best?

What's Your Playground? Courtesy Pixabay - laterjay

Now here's my theory, we choose our tools, our playground, we choose how we want to get the lesson (or of course, we learn it quickly and move on). Maybe that is why we can see each other's faults and weaknesses so easily but just can't recognize our own.

My partner and I just saw MAMIL, that's Middle Aged Men in Lycra, caused a smile right? What did you just see when you read that, bald maybe overweight men stretched out in bright coloured tights? Cute, right?

In this documentary you will see determination and struggle in the mental and physical, growing resilient to mental illness and serious medical conditions. You will see comforting, supportive spouses and the call-out to "hey, how much are you spending on that new bike?"

You will see the adventure of trying something new, of camaraderie, of gaining support in the unexpected. Of having fun.

In our everyday life, we are surrounded by those different from ourselves. In the way they see life (a joy or a struggle), they way they approach finances, the manner they spend their free time, the way they treat their bodies.

They have each chosen a playground to learn in, a school, a career, travel, a marriage (happy or otherwise), a visible spotlight or behind the scenes role. Regardless of scene, everyone will face a win, loss, adversity, surprise, joy, loneliness, euphoria, fear, contentment, trust, betrayal...


But aren't we all just trying to figure it out? To make sense of it all? Hopefully we make a positive impact on those around us, in the wisdom of the Universe surely we can be aware enough to emulate the traits we admire.

Just as an entertainment celebrity or sports star can shine brightly, and then at some point show us their feet of clay, their Achilles' heel, we too can fall prey to our weakness.

Like you, I listen to podcasts, watch Youtube, and talk to friends. We know which playgrounds we have played in, and what we have learned. If you have worked in any kind of organization, you will quickly hear the dominant (loud/outspoken) voice, you will see the manipulative and the kind, the long-suffering, and the afraid.

Whatever environment we find ourselves in, whether work or play, we are finding our way. (Tweet This)

As Sheryl Sandberg said in Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead "There’s only one way to get to the top of a ladder, but there are many ways to get to the top of a jungle gym."  

If we consider the top of the jungle gym, as the best of our learning, how are you choosing to get there? (Tweet This)


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